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Returning to Source
Mindful notes on Being... present... now...

"You never know how far a change will go."

Minnesota Hypnosis Quantum Release Tele-Coaching, NLP and EFT

August 22, 2010: Stop-Breathe-Release Technique™

This Stop-Breathe-Release Technique™ is for Relaxation, Release, Letting go, Focus, and Peace of Mind.

Here is your daily reminder to reinforce your deciding to remain calm and more in control of your thoughts and feelings -- more in control of your life -- as well as help reduce stress and increase mental clarity.

Starting right now and every day for the next three weeks, longer if you like, you will find it easy to practice the Stop-Breathe-Release Technique™ until it becomes internalized and a new positive habit that is helping you reprogram your mind and body (or more precisely, changing the neuro structure of your brain) so that you can remain more in control of your life and recover from stressful situations more quickly. At least 10 times every day (more if you can or like to) take a break -- a very brief 15 to 30 second mental break. This is how you do it:

  1. Stop -- whatever you are doing for just a moment, and just notice what you are paying attention to.
  2. Breathe -- take in a deep, cleansing breath, hold it for a moment, and as you slowly exhale, allowing the exhale to be twice as long as the inhale...
  3. Release -- say to yourself the word “release” (or “relax” or “let-go”) and just...
  4. Let Go -- allow yourself to let go of all the tension, all the stress, all the worry, all the thoughts... and then re-mind yourself to shift your attention. Notice all the good “feelings” of when you felt totally relaxed, like during your hypnosis session, or any other times in your life when you felt totally at ease, calm and relaxed, or just in-the-flow. Just feel that relaxation spreading down throughout your entire body from the top of your head all the way to bottom of your feet, like a gentle wave a relaxation is flowing throughout your body.

Returning to Source That's right, now just allow that wonderful, relaxed, positive image or feeling of your new self to permeate every cell of your entire body and mind as you now just release it from conscious awareness and go back to what you were doing with a refreshed, relaxed, focused and fantastic feeling about yourself. That’s it.

It only takes a few seconds but the benefits far outweigh any time spent. So go ahead and do this at least 10 times every day starting right now (more if you like or have the time) until it becomes a new habit in your life. Take just 15 to 30 seconds starting with the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, then throughout the rest of the day -- at work, on the phone, in the express lane at the store or bank, when stopped in traffic, at the computer. You might even want to write yourself a note, or add it to your daily "to do" list, as a re-minder to help you develop this wonderful new habit. After all, repetition is one of the keys to successfully installing a new behavior and reprogramming your mind and body. Just ask that creative part of yourself to come up with as many new ways to remind you as needed and begin to enjoy a more relaxed, focused, and in-control life.

The Kaizen Way

Remember the Kaizen principle: to ask small questions, and take small steps; until they become new habits, new behaviors, new ways of thinking. Creating your new life, and just being curious what you notice now.

And it all begins with an inspiration. Taking in a long, deep breath and letting the exhale be twice as long as the inhale. To re-mind yourself… to shift your attention… and access your End State Energy. And then taking the next smallest step.

Today is a beautiful day. I wonder how quickly I can be developing the new habit of Stop-Breathe-Release by taking small steps?

If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments. ~Anne Morrow Lindberg

Allow yourself to perceive and act out of conscious awareness. ~Eckhart Tolle

*Related Returning to Source Notes:
Aug 18: End State Energy
Aug 19: Releasing and Letting Go

Minnesota Hypnosis Quantum Release Tele-Coaching, NLP and EFT

No matter what you think you are, you are always more than that.

Minnesota Hypnosis Quantum Release Tele-Coaching, NLP and EFT



Copyright © Ray Stiles, All rights reserved.

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